Revenue model

Sustainable revenue

Recognizing the challenges faced by early play-to-earn tokens, Versus-X has designed a sustainable, long-term economy centered around a skill-based wagering system. A small percentage of each wager, known as a rake, creates a sustainable and predictable source of revenue. This daily rake is allocated to arcade games, staking incentives for token holders, and the treasury for tournaments and active user rewards, ensuring a balanced and thriving ecosystem.

Alternative sources of revenue

  • In game purchases such as avatars, equipment/clothing, season passes, sports venues

  • Publishing of 3rd party quality sports games on the Versus-X platform

  • Sports brand partnerships / sponsorships

  • In game advertising at digital sports venues

  • Real world events e.g. with our golf sim partners

It is important to note, however, that Versus-X does not rely on short-term hype of the game, item drops, or news to generate revenue. The Versus-X economy will be sustainable based solely on rake earned through wagering. Supporting revenue streams will allow us to scale more quickly, but they are not required for ecosystem operations or growth.

Last updated